Please Leave The Room As You Found It…
Unfortunately, we do not have janitorial services. If you do not clean up properly, another artist will have to clean your mess.
Just like the nature trails, you can leave no trace by…
Emptying the trashcan and putting the garbage bag in the dumpster by Door #17. Replace the garbage bag. (Garbage bags are in a drawer on the left side of the sink.)
Cleaning the sinks. Rinse all the paint or other remnants out of the sinks. There is a scrubber and cleaner under the left side sink.
Wiping the sink counters.
Rinsing the coffee pot and throwing out the grounds/pods (if you used it).
Sweeping the floors, especially if you have had any food. (Crumbs invite pests.) There is a broom and vacuum in the black cabinet.
Checking the floor for spills. If you need to wipe the floors, you may spot clean or steam mop the floors. We find spot cleaning works the best with a small scrub brush or Scotch Brite pads, which we provide. Wipe up any paint or any other drips on the floor. (The steam mop, scrub brush and pads are in the black cabinet.)
If you rearranged the room, return the furniture and other items back to the original layout.
Recover the tables with paper. Lift the rails to roll the paper. Scissors are in the top drawer on the left side of the sink.
Also, please turn off the air conditioning, fans and lights. (Unless someone else is still using the studio.)